Mein Reden
Abermals: Ich bin nicht allein in meinem Unbehagen hinsichtlich Googles zunehmend intimerer Umarmung. Auch Wil Wheaton findet, dass Google einen enormen und ärgerlichen Fehler macht:
„But Google is doing everything it can to force Google Plus on everyone, and it’s pissing me off. (…) By crippling functionality on sites Google owns (like YouTube) and forcing users to ‘upgrade’ to a service that they may not want or need to get that functionality back, Google is making a huge and annoying mistake. You get people to enthusiastically use services by making them compelling and awesome and easy to use. You don’t get people to enthusiastically use your services by forcing them to. In fact, that’s probably a great way to ensure that a huge number of people who may have been interested in trying out your service never even look at it.“
Ich bleibe aufmerksam.
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