Sonntag, 28. September 2008


Violet Blue berichtet über eine interessante Anzeige bei Craigslist: Please discipline codegirl and make her code very difficult AJAX – eine Kostprobe:

„I will code the HTML you don't want to. It's ok. I don't mind. I like it. I will code it handcuffed if you want. It's ok. If I'm too slow, or if you check and my adhering to standards is inappropriate or my fumbling, adolescent understanding of the finer point of JSON infuriate you, you can tear my stockings. They were expensive, and I bought them for work. They were my only pair. I am a humble code girl.“

Sieht aus, als ob Secretary ein einflussreiches Rollenmodell auch in der IT-Branche wird; und nach Arbeit für den BOFH.

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